Monday, October 19, 2009

Beautiful Weekend at the Cabin

We, Mike and Bunni, went up to the cabin on Thursday. The weather was perfect! The chipmunks as still working hard to get in their winter supply of food and we fed them. -A LOT-
Mike and I went on a wonderful ATV ride on some new trails. It's so much fun exploring until you find that the trail you are on (with no retreat possible) is steeper than you can control. I found the rear wheels trying to outrun the front wheels. I simply stopped with white knuckles on the brake and called to Mike. "Come get me the #@(( out of this mess!" He climbed up the slope and gingerly switched places with me. He got the machine down and I walked. We had to drive through a meadow and across a stream to get back to the road. The rest of the ride was fun and uneventful.
Joe, Katie and Jen (Katie's sister) came up on Saturday and we took Jen on her first ride. She is a natural. We rode to Asay Knoll which give you a 360 degree view of the area. We also took her to my favorite spot on the mountain - Mammoth Creek - If I were a pioneer I would have built my cabin right there and lived contentedly for the rest of my days. If I haven't taken you there, remind me the next time you're at the cabin. My grandkids will LOVE it. You can boulder hop across the stream and if you fall in it's only a foot or two deep. In the summer I guarantee they will fall in.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Esplins visit the cabin

We had a fun day with the Esplins today. We went on a wonderful ATV ride and had a great visit.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

congratulations Ella

Big announcement -- Ella is potty trained!!

The "park" at the cabin

We are so excited about the new "park" at the cabin. George, Sheri, Ella, Preston, Papa and Grandma spent Wednesday and Thursday at the cabin constructing the new "Park". George and Papa did most of the work but they had a lot of help from Ella. The pictures are posted from last to first because I don't know what I'm doing.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Sheri, Ella, Preston, Papa and Grandma spent Friday and Saturday at the cabin. George was spending time with his Dad and brothers at the "deer hunt". We had a HUGE thunder and lightening storm on Saturday but Ella had already determined that we would have a picnic so the picnic was held on the covered deck. With rain pouring down and thunder exploding we ate our sandwiches and had a wonderful time. We also had an adventurous chipmunk sneak into the cabin. He wasn't so sure of his decision once he was inside but we opened up the door and showed him the way out.
Ella and Grandpa also took a couple of great rides on the Razor. Sheri, Preston and Grandma just relaxed in the cabin.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Mike and Bunni came up to the cabin on Thursday, August 27th. We went for a really long ride on Friday. The weather was bright, sunny and just warm enough. We spent Friday afternoon reading and feeding our chipmunks (I claim them now) They come up so close to us without any fear. It's so much fun.

Monday, August 3, 2009

July 30th - August 2nd

We packed a picnic lunch and stopped beside a small "Lake" The only sound was the wind in the trees.
We stopped along the trail on our ride and took a picture. It was a beautiful day.
Mike and Bunni went to the cabin on Thursday, 7/30 through Sunday, 8/2. We had a wonderful time and went on a couple of fantastic rides. This looking up at Strawberry Point. (The highest point in the picture) Usually we stand up there and take pictures of the vistas. We were on a trail that would have taken us to Zion Park.